
«Systems and Means of Informatics» Scientific journal Volume 33, Issue 2, 2023
Content | Abstract
About Authors
- Adamovich Igor M. (b. 1934) — Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, leading scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119133, Russian Federation; Adam@amsd.com
- Arkhipov Pavel O. (b. 1979)— Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, director, Orel Branch of the Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 137 Moskovskoe Shosse, Orel 302025, Russian Federation; arpaul@mail.ru
- Chitalov Dmitry I. (b. 1989) — junior scientist, South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology of the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ilmen reserve, Miass, Chelyabinsk Region 456317, Russian Federation; cdi9@yandex.ru
- Diachenko Denis Y. (b. 1987) — engineer-researcher, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119133, Russian Federation; diaden87@gmail.com
- Diachenko Yuri G. (b. 1958) — Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, senior scientist, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119133, Russian Federation; diaura@mail.ru
- Dulin Sergey K. (b. 1950)— Doctor of Science in technology, professor, leading scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation; principal scientist, Research & Design Institute for Information Technology, Signalling, and Telecommunications on Railway Transport, 27-1 Nizhegorodskaya Str., Moscow 109029, Russian Federation; skdulin@mail.ru
- Egorov Vladimir B. (b. 1948) — Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, leading scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119133, Russian Federation; VEgorov@ipiran.ru
- Grusho Alexander A. (b. 1946)— Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, professor, principal scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation; grusho@yandex.ru
- Ilyin Vladimir D. (b. 1937) — Doctor of Science in technology, professor, leading scientist, A. A. Dorodnicyn Computing Center, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 40 Vavilov Str., Moscow119333, Russian Federation; vdilyin@yandex.ru
- Ionenkov Yuriy S. (b. 1956)— Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, senior scientist, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation; uionenkov@ipiran.ru
- Kirikov Igor A. (b. 1955)— Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, director, Kaliningrad Branch of the Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 5 Gostinaya Str., Kaliningrad 236000, Russian Federation; baltbipiran@mail.ru
- Kulchenkov Vladislav V. (b. 1989) — head of risk monitoring department, VTB Bank, 43-1 Vorontsovskaya Str., Moscow 109147, Russian Federation; vlad.kulchenkov@gmail.com
- Nikishin Dmitry A. (b. 1976) — Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, leading scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119133, Russian Federation; dmnikishin@mail.ru
- Nikitenkova Svetlana P. (b. 1968) — Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, associate professor, Department of Information Systems Security, N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, 23 Prospekt Gagarina, Nizhny Novgorod 603022, Russia Federation; nikitenkova@rf.unn.ru
- Orlov Georgii A. (b. 1994) — senior scientist, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119133, Russian Federation; orlov.jaja@gmail.com
- Philippskih Sergey L. (b. 1987) — junior scientist, Orel Branch of the Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 137 Moskovskoe Shosse, Orel 302025, Russian Federation; philippsl@mail.ru
- Rozenberg Igor N. (b. 1965)— Doctor of Science in technology, professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, research advisor, Research & Design Institute for Information Technology, Signalling, and Telecommunications on Railway Transport, 27-1 Nizhegorodskaya Str., Moscow 109029, Russian Federation; I. Rozenberg@vniias.ru
- Rumovskaya Sophiya B. (b. 1985)— Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, senior scientist, Kaliningrad Branch of the Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 5 Gostinaya Str., Kaliningrad 236000, Russian Federation; sophiyabr@gmail.com
- Shorgin Sergey Ya. (b. 1952) — Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, professor, principal scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119133, Russian Federation;
- Smirnov Dmitry V. (b. 1984) — business partner for IT security department, Sberbank of Russia, 19 Vavilov Str., Moscow 117999, Russian Federation; dvlsmirnov@sberbank. ru
- Stepchenkov Dmitri Y. (b. 1973) — senior scientist, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119133, Russian Federation; Stepchenkov@mail.ru
- Stepchenkov Yuri A. (b. 1951)— Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, head of department, leading scientist, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119133, Russian Federation; YStepchenkov@ipiran.ru
- Suchkov Alexander P. (b. 1954) — Doctor of Science in technology, leading scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation; ASuchkov@frccsc.ru
- Timonina Elena E. (b. 1952) — Doctor of Science in technology, professor, leading scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control’ of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119133, Russian Federation; eltimon@yandex.ru
- Volkov Oleg I. (b. 1964) — leading programmer, Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119133, Russian Federation;
- Zabezhailo Michael I. (b. 1956)— Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, principal scientist, A. A. Dorodnicyn Computing Center, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 40 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation; m.zabezhailo@yandex.ru
- Zatsarinny Alexander A. (b. 1951)— Doctor of Science in technology, professor, principal scientist, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation; AZatsarinny@ipiran.ru
