«Systems and Means of Informatics» Scientific journal Volume 28, Issue 4, 2018
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Abstract and Keywords.
- V.N. Zakharov
- Al-dr A. Khoroshilov
- Al-ey A. Khoroshilov
Abstract: The article describes a formal model of the syntactic structure of texts based on generalized syntagmas and methods of its automatic construction. The proposed syntactic model is based on machine grammar which is based on the system of inflectional classes of Russian words. The correspondence between the form of the representation of words and their grammatical information, laid down in the theoretical conception of the inflectional classes of words in the Russian language, made it possible to create on this basis new classes - classes of words that have the same sets of grammatical features corresponding to their forms of representation in similar context.
Keywords: syntactic model of language; computer grammar; morphological analysis; semantic and syntactic analysis; formal model of syntactic text structure; generalized syntagmas
- O. Arkhipov
- A. Gasilov
- Yu. Maniakov
- O. Yakovlev
Abstract: An enclosed room exploration algorithm for an autonomous mobile robot equipped with sensors is introduced. This paper includes the definition of the task of enclosed room exploration. The algorithm utilizes the data model of a floorplan, based on a concave polygon with holes, which is refined and enhanced by merging different views of the room in the iterative manner during exploration. This representation allows formulating the termination criterion that can be checked in constant time and constructing a graph for pathfinding and obstacle avoidance purposes. In addition, analysis of algorithm's computational complexity and results of a test based on synthetic datasets are provided. Furthermore, an approach to exploration path building and an algorithm of floorplan's polygons union are considered.
Keywords: computer vision; autonomous exploration mobile robot; floorplan; navigation; pathfinding
- A. A. Grusho
- E. E. Timonina
- S. Ya. Shorgin
Abstract: The control of connections in a network by means of meta data does not consider time of realization of several information technologies. This fact produces a possibility to overcome protection of a network which uses meta data for control of network connections. For solution of potential problems connected with this vulnerability, additions to the control functions using meta data are suggested. In particular, the method of creation of queues and the method of compulsory reconfiguration of network are proposed. In the case of SDN (Software Defined Network), meta data directly define the moment of time and requirements to reconfiguration of network for the controller.
Keywords: information security; information technologies; distributed information systems; meta data; software-defined network; composite tasks
- A. V. Kolesnikov
- S. V. Listopad
Abstract: The main models and algorithms for heterogeneous decision construction support in teams of experts are considered. Their use allows the facilitator or decision maker to organize communication in a team and diagnose collective effects, problems, and adjust team behavior. A formalized model of a hybrid intelligent multiagent system of heterogeneous thinking implementing the considered models and algorithms is proposed for an effective automated problem-solving, information preparation, and support of operational decisions in a regional power system.
Keywords: heterogeneous thinking; expert team; hybrid intelligent multi-agent system
- I. A. Kirikov
- A. V. Kolesnikov
- S. V. Listopad
Abstract: Solving problems by a hybrid intelligent multiagent system is a complex multistage process in which periods of agents' personal work on parts of the problem are followed by periods of negotiations and exchange of opinions. If a hybrid intelligent multiagent system is a black box for the user, the credibility of the results of its work is seriously reduced. To improve the transparency of the system and increase the trust of the user to its recommendations, the authors propose a visual language (alphabet, syntactic and semantic rules) which makes collective decisions and the resulting synergistic effect more visible.
Keywords: expert team; synergy; hybrid intelligent multiagent system; visual language
- A. A. Kudryavtsev
- S. I. Palionnaia
- V. S. Shorgin
Abstract: The Bayesian approach to construction of the queuing model M | M1110 is considered. Under the condition of the arrival and service rates' uncertainty, load parameters' characteristics for large groups of service systems or one system with varying parameters of functioning are studied. It is assumed that the a priori distributions of the model's main parameters are known. The paper extends the work devoted to the study of Bayesian queuing and reliability models. Assuming that one of the a priori distributions of the arrival and service rates is the inverse-gamma distribution and the other is the Frechet distribution, the density, distribution function, and moments of the traffic intensity are calculated. The results are formulated in terms of a gamma-exponential function and can be used to study the relationship between two independent inverse gamma distributed random variables in various applied problems.
Keywords: Bayesian approach; inverse gamma distribution; distribution of Frechet; gamma-exponential function; queuing systems; mixed distribution
- A. A. Bashlykova
- A. A. Zatsarinny
- A. A. Kamenshchikov
- S. V. Kozlov
- A. Ya. Oleynikov
- I.I. Chusov
Abstract: The analysis of the known experience in the creation of automated information and telecommunication systems for various purposes based on the principles of interoperability under the influence of external and internal factors is executed. It is shown that providing process-based interoperability is the most cost-effective way of seamless integration of functional subsystems. The authors propose a complex model of interoperability and threats. The main propositions to solve the problem of interoperability are justificated.
Keywords: interoperability; automated information and telecommunication systems; critical information infrastructure; standards; complex systems; seamless integration; process approach
- A. P. Suchkov
- A. V. Bosov
Abstract: The article considers approaches to creation of an information and analytical situational center (IASC) for managing strategic planning processes in the field of national security. From the point of view of the study of the role of situational analysis in these processes, two complete and interconnected management cycles can be distinguished which are conditionally called "planning" and "realization." The functional model of the IASC implementing these management cycles is substantiated, the composition and methods of analyzing information resources are outlined, focused on monitoring, detection, prediction, and assessment of threats. Data sources, potentially significant for the IASC monitoring subsystem, are considered.
Keywords: strategic planning; situational analysis; management cycle; information threat model; situational center; data sources
Abstract: Creating a process model of modernization and development of information systems (IS) is a complex and urgent scientific problem. The article discusses the definition of stages of the life cycle (LC) of IS. For all stages the processes responsible for modernization and development of the system are identified. A set of processes of LC is formed, providing the possibility of continuous development and modernization of IS in connection with the emergence of new functional requirements, errors, taking into account new proposals for technical, organizational, personnel, and regulatory changes. Implementation of this process model in accordance with the ISO standard should be carried out by a support service using a specialized management system of modernization and development.
Keywords: process approach; process model; information system modernization and development; management system
Abstract: Approaches to provision of computing resources for solving applied and fundamental scientific problems are considered. The article suggests methods and algorithms for adapting and executing user applications on a hybrid computing cluster that uses specialized accelerators to perform calculations. The authors offer solutions for migrating code in high-level languages to the target platform of a hybrid computing cluster, algorithms for providing computing resources in a multitask environment, and methods for creating an adapted execution environment using virtualization technology.
Keywords: high performance computing; cluster; digital platform; virtualization; computational process control; distributed computing; parallel computing; graphics accelerator; HPC
- I.I. Bystrov
- V. N. Veselov
- K. K. Kolin
Abstract: The paper deals with the issues related to ensuring survivability of the information society in which information and telecommunication systems and technologies are widely used. The problem of creating a methodology for designing an integrated system for ensuring survivability of automated organizations is raised. Models and indicators of ensuring survivability of information and telecommunication systems are considered.
Keywords: information society; information-telecommunication system; automated organizations survivability; models and indicators of ensuring survivability
- D. I. Chitalov
- S. T. Kalashnikov
Abstract: This article is devoted to the problem of simplifying the preparation of computational meshes (CM) with graduating and curved edges for the OpenFOAM software environment (SE). The currently available commercial and freely distributed software used to solve the indicated problem is considered. The limitations of these software tools, the urgency of the problem, and the need to create own application are identified. The list of tasks facing the authors and the description of the research object are presented. The challenges faced by the authors in the process of implementing the application are formulated and the ways of their solution are suggested. The results of application of the program by the example of one of the training tasks included in the OpenFOAM SE are presented. The results of the work, its practical significance, and prospects for subsequent research in this direction are determined.
Keywords: graphical user interface; computational meshes with graduating and curved edges; Python programming language; PyQt4 library; open source software
Abstract: A methodology for situational planning of production (electricity, water, etc.) in a network M2M (machine-to-machine) system is proposed.
The methodology includes methods for constructing an object model using measurement data, forming portraits of situations (target, achieved, and starting), and interactive production planning. The object model describes economic characteristics of the nodes and distribution of the product streams moving along the network arcs, depending on the amount of product sent from the producing nodes and delivered to the consuming nodes. At each step of planning, the problem formulation depends on the results of analysis of the situations' portraits. The key component of the computational core is the method of target displacement of solution. The methodology is oriented to implementation by means of online services and is designed for use in network M2M-systems.
Keywords: network M2M-system; situational production planning; system of mandatory and orienting requirements; method of target displacement of solution; online service
- I. M. Adamovich
- O. I. Volkov
Abstract: The article focuses on the further development of the system of facts automatic extraction from historical texts T-parser which is a component of the technology of historical and biographical research automation. The article outlines the ways to increase the parsing speed by using machine learning. The chosen forms of machine learning are described and reasoned and the possible problems are formulated. The classification of parsing bifurcations is given. The mechanism of filtering for the precedent database creation based on the methods of statistical quality control on an alternative basis is described and reasoned.
The description of the updated parsing algorithm and experimental verification of its effectiveness in comparison with the previous version carried out with real historical texts are adduced. The results of experiments which confirm high efficiency of the updated algorithm and its applicability to the technology of historical and biographical research automation are described. The technology is intended for a broad range of nonprofessional users, which is topical with regard to the increasing public interest to family history.
Keywords: facts extraction from texts; machine learning; bifurcation; statistical quality control; training set
- I. M. Zatsman
- M. G. Kruzhkov
Abstract: This article examines the process of design-oriented evolution of the term system for supracorpora databases (SCDB) which represent a new category of information resources in linguistics. The SCDB is based on parallel texts, i.e., texts placed alongside their translations and aligned with them at the sentence level. Although SCDBs are designed for annotation of a wide variety of linguistic items and their correspondences, this article specifically considers annotation of connectives. The annotation-centered design of SCDBs has led to emergence of new entities and notions in computer linguistics, and in the beginning of 2017, a custom term system was proposed for them. On one hand, the proposed terms are used by linguists in order to describe new knowledge generated as a result of annotation and investigation of linguistic units. On the other hand, these terms serve as a basis for design of the SCDB architecture and the associated dataware, lingware, and software. Since the first description of the terminology, the range of tasks accomplished with SCDBs has expanded significantly; hence, there is the need to further develop the initial design-oriented term system.
Keywords: supracorpora databases; term systems; annotation of linguistic units; parallel texts; corpus linguistics; connectives
- O. Yu. Inkova
- M. G. Kruzhkov
Abstract: This article presents a new method for describing the structure of multiword connectives implemented in the Supracorpora database (SCDB) of connectives. Currently, the structure of connectives is underinvestigated, and criteria for determining boundaries of connectives and their components are lacking. The proposed method is based on the cognitive-semantic approach that considers multiword connectives as more or less free word combinations generated in the process of speech. A two-tier faceted classification is proposed which allows annotating, on one hand, specific tokens of connectives in texts (context annotation) and, on the other hand, the inner structure of connectives (structural annotation). The structural annotation is based on two aspects: structural type and structural components of connectives. Based on the proposed annotation method, a system of cross-clusters is implemented that extends the search and statistical capabilities of SCDB. In addition, this method allows researchers to eliminate subjectivity during the annotation process and to fill some gaps in linguistic knowledge, for example, to gather new data on combinatorial capabilities of Russian connectives.
Keywords: connectives; linguistic items structure; linguistic items variation; corpus linguistics; annotation; faceted classification; supracorpora databases
- V. A. Minin
- I. M. Zatsman
- V. A. Havanskov
- S. K. Shubnikov
Abstract: Indicator assessment of the process of knowledge transfer is an important element in the studies of information linkages between science and technology. Indicators in question characterize the processes of creation of scientific groundwork for development of advanced technologies. In the process of studying information linkages, an experiment has been conducted to calculate the values of indicators of intensity of scientific knowledge transfer to informa-tion technology development. To this end, the eleven-year array of full-text descriptions of inventions obtained from Rospatent has been analyzed. The se-mantic meanings of the intensity indicators that characterize science-technology linkages are considered. As a result of the experiment, the values of indicators that characterize the intensity of the transfer of knowledge into the sphere of information technology development are calculated. The analysis of the obtained results allows drawing a conclusion that the intensity indicators ordered by the frequency of mentions of scientific disciplines make it possible to assess the degree of their influence on the development of information technologies.
Keywords: science-technology linkages; citation of publications in inventions; intensity indicators; indicator assessment; information technologies