«Systems and Means of Informatics» Scientific journal Volume 28, Issue 2, 2018
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Abstract and Keywords.
- I. N. Sinitsyn
- V. I. Sinitsyn
Abstract: For multidimensional differential Volterra stochastic systems (VStS) with Gaussian and non-Gaussian additive and parametric white noises, two efficient methods based on the method of normal approximation and linear parametric StS theory are described. Equations for one- and multidimensional Gaussian distributions are given. Test examples for one and two populations are discussed. Special attention is paid to hereditary VStS. Some generalizations are considered.
Keywords: analytical modeling; Fokker-Plank-Kolmogorov equation; hereditary stochastic system; method of normal approximation; method of statistical linearization; normal (Gaussian) stochastic process; population dynamics; Pugachev equation; stochastic system (StS); Volterra stochastic systems (VStS)
- A. V. Borisov
- A. V. Bosov
- A. V. Ivanov
- R. B. Chavtaraev
Abstract: The methodology of estimation of reliability characteristics of computer networks proposed earlier is supplemented with a new technique for estimating the software performance metrics. The proposed technique is based on the Monte- Carlo simulation method. To apply simulation in the task of analyzing software metrics, the following problems are solved: (i) a model of the software component is defined - a program that implements a three-tier architecture and executes user queries or commands; (ii) a model of user's activity is defined - a nonlinear discrete-time stochastic system based on the autoregressive model with switching using classification of process states; (iii) a simulation program is described that implements the model of user requests, generates the user requests flow, and collects statistics; and (iv) numerical examples illustrating the method's applicability are provided. The concluding remarks contain recommendations concerning further usage of the presented method.
Keywords: computer networks; software testing tools; user's activity; reliability characteristics; Monte Carlo method; discrete-time stochastic system; autoregression
- A. A. Grusho
- M. I. Zabezhailo
- N. A. Grusho
- E. E. Timonina
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the architecture of information security on the basis of meta data for systems with the enterprise service bus. Meta data are concentrated in one of the components connected to the enterprise service bus.
In the process of distribution of data between tasks, the enterprise service bus applies to meta data for permission from what task of information technology data are transferred. The acquired information from a component of meta data allows to filter admissible interactions with other components or to initiate admissible interactions. The authorization system of interactions on the basis of meta data is in compliance with enterprise application integration architecture of the information system.
Keywords: information security; meta data; enterprise application integration architecture of an information system; enterprise service bus
Abstract: The paper proposes a comprehensive approach to constructing an agreed knowledge base according to dissemination algorithms with subsequent expert evaluation of the quality of the result obtained. As a practical task, dissemination of text documents is considered, implying the relevance of their content to the information needs of users. Several methods of disseminating knowledge by the example of information messages from the Internet are analyzed, their main advantages and disadvantages are revealed, and an attempt is made to combine several algorithms into a single closed loop and thus overcome the problems that are specific to each of them individually.
Keywords: agreed knowledge base; dissemination algorithms; structural consistency; expert assessments
Abstract: The aim of the study is formation of approaches to creation of the methodology of data generalization. The comparative analysis of models of GEODATA in analogue and digital paradigms is presented. It is shown that GEODATA can be considered as an example of the generalized complex data type, which includes along with semantics spatial or spatial-temporal components. The features of organization of multilevel geodata bases form the extended typology of relations in this model. The features of variability and alternativeness of GEODATA, which play an important role in the created methodology of reversible generalization of information objects, are considered.
Keywords: geodata; digital cartography; geoinformatics; multilevel geodata base; cartographic generalization
- A. A. Zatsarinny
- A. V. Voronin
- Yu. S. Ionenkov
Abstract: The article continues the thematic series of the articles devoted to information systems efficiency evaluation. In this case, a geoinformation system (GIS) is considered as an element of a situational center. In the article, the integral index of efficiency of GIS usage (IEUGIS), allowing to combine assessment of visualization quality of the dynamic configuration of the electronic atlas by the criterion of visualization and the costs of embodiment of the technical part of the GIS itself is suggested. The calculation and experimental verification of GIS efficiency are presented. This approach allows one to evaluate GIS efficiency when using them as a part of situational centers that is of great practical importance in improving the management mechanism by corresponding organizational systems.
Keywords: geoinformation systems (GIS); integral index of the geoinformation system use efficiency; IEUGIS; visualization
- S. P. Korolev
- I. M. Romanova
- S. I. Malkovsky
- A. A. Sorokin
Abstract: On the territory of the Russian Far East, there are dozens of active volcanoes, requiring continuous attention of scientists for analysis and control of their condition. To provide solutions of various scientific problems, different information systems were implemented. However, disunity of information systems and limited data exchange between them limit the possibility of carrying out complex studies. This may result in disastrous consequences for the population and different fields of people's activities. The article describes the developed service-oriented software interface that implements interaction between the main existing information systems. The mutual use of accumulated sets of scientific data and processing instruments improves research and operational monitoring of the state of volcanoes in Kamchatka and Northern Kuriles.
Keywords: volcanoes of Kamchatka; volcano monitoring; Web services; REST- service; data integration; databases
- D. I. Kharitonov
- G. V. Tarasov
- D. V. Leontyev
Abstract: The software implementation of a method for generation of Petri nets having millions of elements of places and transitions is described. Particular attention is paid to the internal data structures and algorithmic complexity of the method. The presented material allowed the authors to obtain a software tool with computational complexity O(n) where n is the number of elements in a model. The described theoretical results are justified by the performance tests in practical experiments.
Keywords: Petri nets; program model; data structures; algorithm analysis; object-oriented programming
Abstract: The paper considers the methods of modeling movement and interaction of charged particles in multicomponent plasma on the basis of the Boltzmann- Maxwell system of equations by the example of electric arc synthesis of carbon nanostructures (CNS). The paper presents the derivation of the final equations for the collision integrals in the proposed model. The authors suggest the algorithm and technology of numerical solution of the model with the use of the technology of parallelization of computations using nVidia CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture). The comparative analysis confirming the adequacy of the model to the physical process was performed. The authors investigated the conditions and regions satisfying the spatial and energy terms of probabilistic formation of linear cluster groups C=C-C (C3) that form the basis of CNS. The authors obtained quantitative characteristics of binary collisions of carbon ions in plasma with formation of clusters C3 for different parameters of synthesis. The authors investigated the influence of voltage and current density on the number of interactions and clusters C3 in plasma of the interelectrode space.
Keywords: carbon nanostructures; plasma; simulation; Boltzmann equation; method of large particles; clusters of carbon; GPGPU
Abstract: An approach to the problem of creating a methodology for the reversible generalization of information objects (RGIO) as the processes of their concrete-abstract transformations is proposed. From the theoretical point of view, the description of the processes of generalization of information objects makes it possible to enrich the classification of information transformations in the domain of informatics by including a class of concrete-abstract transformations into it. It is important to emphasize that in the paper, informatics is treated according to the scientific paradigm of Paul Rosenbloom as a complex of scientific disciplines that studies information transformations in technical, living, and social systems, and not just in computers and networks. From the applied point of view, the description of generalization processes in the Rosenbloom paradigm enriches the foundations of developing information systems that implement concrete-abstract transformations. The description of the problem of creating the RGIO-methodology is illustrated by the processes of generalization of bilingual annotations in a supracorpora database (SCDB). The reversibility of the processes of annotation generalization is the basis for a multifaceted and verifiable statistical analysis of arrays of annotations formed in the SCDB.
Keywords: supracorpora database; generalization of information objects; information transformations; class of concrete-abstract transformations; annotation generalization
- O. V. Andreeva
- M. B. Bagirov
- A. A. Dankina
- T. O. Fedorova
- M. M. Sheveleva
Abstract: The basic principles of Stanford CoreNLP and the implementation of this library in various natural languages are discussed. Different ways of Stanford CoreNLP interaction with texts in Russian have been developed. A model that makes it possible to determine the parts of speech in the texts in Russian has been created, the quality of the model's performance on the texts of technical literature in Russian has been increased. The tests that show the effectiveness of the implemented changes are presented.
Keywords: data processing; intellectual data analysis; Stanford CoreNLP; natural language analysis; POS tagger; definition of parts of speech; morphological analysis of texts in the Russian language
- M. M. Nizamutdinov
- V. V. Oreshnikov
Abstract: The article discusses the development of a decision support system (DSS) for innovative development management of regional socio-economic systems. The concept of an adaptive simulation model (ASM) development in a region is based on hierarchical interconnection of the triad of models in a single computable complex, which makes it possible to implement an iterative mechanism of mutual adherence of interests and strategies of economic agents. The meaningful analysis of the known approaches and decision support tools is made.
Basic requirements for decision support organization are formulated. The DSS conception is proposed to justify the innovation strategy parameters for region development based on the ASM. The logic and structure of DSS functional blocks that allow to organize the information support are characterized.
Keywords: decision support; innovative development; simulation model; regional management
Abstract: A linear model of the flows distribution in a single-product network system is proposed. The model is represented in the form of a system of mandatory and orienting rules, including a set of linear functions describing the distribution of product flows moving along the network arcs, depending on the product quantity sent from the producing nodes and the product quantity delivered to the consumption nodes. The system of rules reflects the physical and technological characteristics of the object (balance in the network nodes, limits of the arcs' capacity, etc.). To find the model's parameters, the method of targeted displacement of solution is applied. The measurements of quantities used in the problem solution are synchronously performed at the points of contiguity of the network's arcs to the nodes.
Keywords: single-product network system; linear model of flows distribution; accounting of physical and technological characteristics of the object; system of mandatory and orienting rules; method of targeted displacement of solution
Abstract: With the development of information technologies, the fields of knowledge related to applied informatics are of great importance. The tools and methods of this science allow users of the computer technology to create software products for solving individual problems. Despite the abundance of special software packages that use mathematical methods to find solutions, there is often a need to create your own software. The article describes the process of creating an application program for solving the problem of replacing equipment by the method of dynamic programming. The task is to find the optimal strategy when deciding to stop using old equipment and acquire the new one. It is proposed to automate calculations that arise when implementing a solution to this problem with the help of a program created in the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) programming environment.
Keywords: dynamic programming; step-by-step process; problem of replacement of equipment; VBA programming environment