«Systems and Means of Informatics» Scientific journal Volume 27, Issue 2, 2017
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Abstract and Keywords.
Abstract: General methodological and algorithmical support for analytical modeling of normal processes in differential stochastic systems (StS) with integral nonlinearities (IN) and Wiener and Poisson noises is presented. Support is based on the methods of normal approximation (MNA) and of statistical linearization (MSL). Integral nonlinearities were approximated by power and Hermite series.
The MSL and MNA coefficients for IN described by Laplace, Fresnel integrals, and sine integrals are given. Necessary information about IN is given and the software tool StS-Analysis.2017 is described. Stochastic dynamic of an integral oscillator is used as a test example. Some generalizations are mentioned.
Keywords: analytical modeling; Fresnel integral; Hermite polynomial power expansion; integral sine; Laplace function; method of normal approximation (MNA); method of statistical linearization (MSL)
Abstract: Max-linear processes are considered. It is assumed that innovations and process values have the standard Frechet distribution. Simple statistical estimators for parameters are proposed. Some estimators for parameters of the first-order max-autoregressive processes are compared on variances.
Keywords: max-linear processes; max-autoregressive processes; Frechet distribution; statistical analysis; heavy tails
- A. A. Grusho
- M. I. Zabezhailo
- A. A. Zatsarinnyy
- A. V. Nikolaev
- V. O. Piskovski
- E. E. Tmonina
Abstract: The paper defines the classes of erroneous states in distributed computing systems and sources of their occurrence. Some classes of these states are illustrated experimentally by inducing RabbitMQ abnormal behavior in the OpenStack software platform. The simulated erroneous states were observed actually in conditions close to the exhaustion of resources of the OpenStack software platform operation. To get erroneous states in the OpenStack platform, the RabbitMQ configuration file was tuned in order to simulate shortage of resources. The paper also contains the analysis of the incident, which occurred in the traditional information network infrastructures and can be treated as the implementation of the classes of erroneous states as well.
Keywords: distributed computing system; cloudy computing environments; OpenStack; RabbitMQ; erroneous states; informational infrastructure
Abstract: The paper considers the task of insider detection in a group of analytics, who work with a data warehouse, presented as a raw table with a huge amount of attributes. The difference between a legal analyst and an insider is that an insider collects redundant data during his regular work to perform a threat. Therefore, in order to detect an insider, it is necessary to detect the fact of continuously collecting redundant data during a work cycle with a data warehouse. A mathematical model is defined. The author suggests to use statistical techniques with probability of false alarms equal to zero. The author found conditions, under which the power of statistical criteria reaches the value of 1 after a finite number of steps, which means that an insider can be detected definitely.
Keywords: insider threat; anomaly detection; bans of probability measures; statistical criteria; power of criteria
Abstract: The paper considers the task of insider detection in a group of analysts who work with a data warehouse, presented as a raw table with a huge amount of attributes. The main difference in the behavior of a legitimate analyst and an insider is that the latter collects data redundant for his/her functionality during his/her work cycle. Thus, to detect an insider, it is enough to detect the regular fact of redundancy on his/her requests of data, which he/she can consider and use to damage a company. The paper presents the mathematical model of insider behavior, the formal definition of the main difference in the behavior of a legitimate analyst and an insider, and the results of modeling. The conditions when it is possible to use statistical criteria to solve the task are found.
Keywords: insider threat; redundant data collection; statistical criteria; mathematical model; systems simulation
- A. K. Gorshenin
- E. S. Danilovich
- D. R. Khromov
Abstract: The progress in information technology has a significant impact on various areas of human activity, including the formation of new educational requirements and standards. Electronic forms of learning provoke increased interest among students and provide new opportunities for teachers. To automate various aspects of the modern educational process, so-called learning management systems are used. The article describes the main architecture solutions developed for the learning management system ELIS (Electronic Learning Intelligent System), which can serve as a common educational platform for both higher education institutions and various private and state companies.
Keywords: learning management system; e-Learning; SaaS; cloud computing
- A. K. Gorshenin
- E. S. Danilovich
- D. R. Khromov
Abstract: For automation of the modern educational process, various learning management systems are currently being used. They implement the functional-ity for general administration, reporting on educational courses and curricula, coordination of interaction between lecturers and students, and monitoring of their progress. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the quality of a learning management system, its services, and content since these aspects have a significant impact on student satisfaction and the success of using information technologies to support e-Learning. The article describes main functional capabilities provided by the user interface of the learning manage-ment system ELIS (Electronic Learning Intelligent System)developed by the authors. The results of trial testing in student focus groups of Moscow Technological University (MIREA) and National Research University Higher School of Economics are demonstrated.
Keywords: learning management system; e-Learning; SaaS; cloud computing
Abstract: Designing of self-timed electronic circuits having unique properties requires special methods. Combinational circuits can consist of several sections representing a variety of elements performing parallel functional transformations.
The known event method of self-timed circuit synthesis has theoretical signifi-cance only and is unsuitable for real design. The author proposes a new method, which describes functional sections not by events (switchs of elements) but by logical functions and equations. The method consists in generating and solving logical equations. The method solves the problem in the most general form and allows choosing elements for circuit implementation from semicustom or custom libraries.
Keywords: self-timed circuit; asynchronous circuit; self-timed circuit synthesis
- S. A. Golovin
- A. A. Zatsarinnyy
- S. V. Kozlov
Abstract: The paper considers scientific and technical problems of regulatory base development for information and telecommunication systems (ITS) creation.
The factors that determine urgency of their solution are described. It is shown that the current regulatory base falls behind the demands of ITS developers and users. The authors propose a complex approach to regulatory base enhancement considering conditions of application of promising ITS. The justification of regulatory base enhancement directions is presented. These directions are aimed at ITS creation and development on the process base of interaction of ITS with other components of a management system as a high-tech organizational system.
Keywords: information and telecommunication system; information technologies; regulatory base; interoperability; standards profile; system approach; process approach
Abstract: The paper discusses the creation of the information model of the system of monitoring and neutralizing threats to national security. The author justifies the choice of dynamic semantic networks for representing data. The author discusses the composition of such network and the basic operations on it - identification, merge, and inclusion. The meaningful part of the main objects of the threats information model and the connections between them are specified.
The author describes an example of a fragment of the dynamic semantic network used to represent the data of monitoring of scientific-technical and technological factors, potentially suitable for creation of new means and methods of threats realization. The author justifies the composition of analytical methods used to identify and assess threats based on methods of discrete mathematics and statistical analysis. The obtained results can be used to form the requirements for the systems of monitoring and assessment of threats that are being developed by the authors.
Keywords: information threat model; dynamic semantic network; analytical methods
- I. M. Zatsman
- O. S. Mamonova
- A. Yu. Shchurova
Abstract: The paper considers the task of annotation of Russian connectives and their translations with the use of a supracorpora database (SCDB). The first distinctive feature of the SCDB is that it supports creation of bilingual annotations that include both rubrics of the investigated linguistic items (i.e., connectives, in this case) and rubrics of their translations. The second feature is that the rubrics assigned by the linguists are in fact elements of faceted classifications. Implementation of these rubrics in the SCDB enables alternativeness of generalization of annotations that represent concrete informational entities in the SCDB. As these entities are created, abstract translation models of different generalization levels are produced. These models preserve certain common characteristics (aspects) of the generalizable annotations. The support of faceted classifications in the SCDB makes it possible to conduct multifaceted statistical analysis of annotations and connectives translation models in the SCDB. Furthermore, these statistical data are verifiable since the generated quantitative data provide direct links to lists of corresponding annotations. The main objective of the paper is to describe reversibility and alternativeness of the generalization processes in the SCDB, which provides a basis for conducting multifaceted and verifiable statistical analysis of annotations and connectives translation models in parallel texts.
Keywords: supracorpora database; annotation of connectives; faceted classifications; corpus linguistics; generalization of annotations
- I. M. Adamovich
- O. I. Volkov
Abstract: This article is devoted to the description and rationale of the approach to the modeling of semantic net which is the basis for the technology of concrete historical investigation support. This technology is supported by the interaction of many independent researchers. This fact can potentially cause the degradation of the collected information quality. The described model is used to check the quality of the information which is organized as a semantic net. The proposed modeling approach is based on the concepts of graphodynamics, which allows building a graph on the basis of strictly defined empiric rules, and the Barabasi- Albert model (algorithm for generating random scale-free networks). The model adequacy was checked by comparing its parameters with the main characteristics of cognitive networks on the ground that the semantic net of the concrete historical investigation technology is, of its nature, a cognitive network. Model validation was carried out for a wide range of model's parameters values.
Keywords: semantic net; model; graphodynamics; cognitive network; preferential attachment concept
Abstract: The article describes the basics of construction and application of tabs-structures for representation of task constructive objects (named s-tasks) and s-task graphs. A tabs, representing a three-dimensional multilayered table with special cell types for the formation of tabs-structures, is studied as a basic element of a positional system for representation of s-tasks and s-task graphs.
The collection of procedures is defined for each type of tabs cells. A tabs- structure with prescribed rules of navigation is considered as a universal means of representation of various data structures (arrays, lists, etc.) and relations of order, belonging, etc. Tabs-structures serve as support of symbolic embodiment of ideas of developers of programming systems.
Keywords: task constructive object; s-task; s-task area; s-task graph; tabs; tabs-structure; tabs-representation of s-task; tabs-representation of s-task graph