«Systems and Means of Informatics» Scientific journal Volume 25, Issue 4, 2015
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Abstract and Keywords.
- I. N. Sinitsyn
- V. I. Sinitsyn
- E. R. Korepanov
Abstract: Methods of analytical modeling for continuous stochastic systems (StS) (including on manifolds) with Wiener and Poisson noises and with complex fraction-rational nonlinearities (FRN) are given. Typical representations and vector FRN are considered. Equations for the normal approximation method (NAM) and the method of statistical linearization (MSL) are deduced. The NAM and MSL for StS with FRN algorithms are given. Test examples are presented.
Some generalizations are given.
Keywords: analytical modeling; complex fraction-rational nonlinearities (FRN); Hermite polynomials; method of statistical linearization (MSL); normal approximation method (NAM); stochastic systems (StS)
- R. V. Razumchik
- A. I. Zeifman
- A. V. Korotysheva
- Ya. A. Satin
Abstract: Consideration is given to the problem of energy efficiency of the computational cluster (servers), in which energy consumption threshold control policy (by adjusting operating frequency of processors) can be implemented. There are the papers in which Markov queueing systems with (queue-size) thresholds are used to solve such problems. Such approach allows one to compute main stationary performance characteristics of the computational cluster and obtain optimal energy-saving strategies (within the class of threshold strategies). It is usually assumed that service and arrival rates of the underlying processes are stationary. The present authors obtain a generalization of the known results for the case when service and arrival rates are the nonrandom functions of time (in particular, periodic). The authors consider M(t)/M(t)/1/ro queue with singlethreshold service rate control policy. It is shown how, using general results for inhomogeneous birth-and-death processes, one can obtain relatively simple approximate algorithms for computation of the main (stationary) performance characteristics of the system. The numerical section illustrates the application of the obtained results to estimation of power consumption efficiency of the computational server.
Keywords: queueing system; special functions; two-dimensional Markov chain; joint distribution
- M. G. Konovalov
- R. V. Razumchik
Abstract: Consideration is given to the problem of risk assessment process optimization in commercial underwriting. The process is modeled by a dispatching queueing system with multiple single-server queues, several input regenerative flows of jobs with deadlines, complex job structure, two-stage job service process and partial availability of resources. One is interested in maximization of percent of jobs served in time (i.e., within deadline). The paper proposes the optimization method which requires development of the simulation model and further application of adaptive optimization algorithms on simulated paths. Based on numerical examples, it is shown that the approach allows one to find the most efficient strategy in a given set of heuristic strategies. The methodology is also applicable in general cases of resource allocation problems, which are not analytically tractable and which arise frequently when one needs to take into consideration multistage job service process, unpredictability of load and service times, and human factors.
Keywords: controlled queueing system; simulation model; adaptive strategy
- A. V. Goncharov
- M. S. Popova
- V. V. Strijov
Abstract: The paper discusses the problem of time series classification in the case of several classes. The proposed classification model uses the matrix of distance between time series. This distance measure is defined by the dynamic time warping method. The dimension of the distance matrix is very high. The paper introduces centroids of each class as reference objects used to decrease this dimension. The distance matrix with lower dimension describes the distance between all objects and reference objects. This method is used for human activity recognition. The quality of classification on data from a mobile accelerometer is investigated. This metric algorithm of classification is compared with the separating classification algorithm.
Keywords: metric classification; dynamic time warping; time series classification; centroid; distance function
- A. A. Grusho
- M. I. Zabezhailo
- A. A. Zatsarinny
- A. V. Nikolaev
- V. O. Piskovski
Abstract: The paper contains a concept to simulate virtual networks for experimental research in the field of information security methods in cloud computing environment. The paper proposes different approaches and systems to simulate networks and network segments. The paper presents a deployment diagram with technical requirements to hardware and software for workbench environment. Workbench properties cover prerequisites to research secure cloud computing solutions.
Keywords: information security; cloud computing; Software Defined Networks; OpenStack
- D. V. Khilko
- Yu. A. Stepchenkov
- Yu. G. Diachenko
- Yu. I. Shikunov
- N. V. Morozov
Abstract: The paper considers the main problems of modeling and debugging of the operational device based on the principles of the nonconventional data-flow recurrent architecture. The short description of the methodology of hardware and software modeling of Hardware in the Loop is provided; also, the possibility of its application for developing a recurrent operational device is considered.
An approach and a technique of hardware and software modeling and testing of devices on the basis of the new architecture are suggested. The paper describes the developed program and models of the device's hardware, simulating and debugging tools, and the result of their integration into the uniform environment. The concept of the target platform of modeling called GAROS IDE is introduced. The descriptions of its main components, functionality, and prospects of development are presented. The results of approbation of this platform on one of the subtasks of isolated word recognition (the algorithm of Rasta-filtration) are reported.
Keywords: modeling; testing; recursiveness; recurrence property; data-flow architecture; programming methodology
- T. V. Zakharova
- V. Yu. Korolev
- A. A. Schemirova
Abstract: The paper investigates behavior of myograms, signals of muscle activity of a person. The paper proposes new ways of processing these signals to determine the reference points. The reference points are associated with the actual moment of the beginning of movement in the experiments. Further localized reference points are used to construct the associative filter processing ultraweak nonstationary signals of magnetoencephalogram. New methods retain high accuracy of previously used methods, but they are faster in several times.
Keywords: method of caused potentials; window sample variance; myogram; magnetoencephalogram; hypothesis testing
- E. V. Chshenyavskaya
- T. V. Zakharova
Abstract: The paper examines the problem of the primary motor cortex (or M1) determination, which is one of the principal brain areas involved in the motor function. The experiment, based on the method of caused potentials, was conducted to locate M1 area: caused potentials were obtained from the nervous system in response to tactile stimulation of a forefinger. During the experiment, both myogram and magnetoencephalogram (MEG) signals were recorded simultaneously. The associative filter, utilizing moments of the begining of the movement (reference points) of the myogram signal, was applied for processing the MEG signal. This article introduces a new high-precision method for reference points detection.
Keywords: magnetoencephalogram; myogram; method of caused potentials; reference points
- A. A. Zatsarinny
- E. V. Kiselev
Abstract: The article continues a publications line about regulatory and technical base forming for creation of Russian Federation Unified Information Space (RF UIS). The requirements to unified information systems architecture are in the article foundation. There are shown general propositions of systemic approach about architecture of information systems of organizations which are the members of RF UIS. The propositions regarding generalized architecture of RF UIS member information system and its possible typing are also presented. It is proved that unified information system generalized architecture should be focused on three interrelated segments: open, confidential, and closed. The segments must be considered as independent automated systems. The RF UIS organizations user groups are generally determined, including maintenance staff providing unified system functioning. Objective determination of unified information system architecture is given. It is based on three key points: fundamental approach to system, system rational structuring, and environment factors consideration. In the second point, the authors propose a general approach to determination of unified system component nomenclature (base systems, subsystems, networks, complexes, etc.) and their interrelations on principles of consolidation, integration, and centralization. There is an approach which presents unified information system of RF UIS member as two groups of base technological systems: Functions and Maintenance. The thesis of the article can be used as a scientific and methodological ground during regulatory and technical base forming of RF UIS members information systems creation.
Keywords: Russian Federation Unified Information Space; Unified Information Space member; systemic approach; UIS member unified information system architecture; secured information resources; centralization; integration; information security; telecommunication provision; group of base functional technological systems; group of base maintenance technological systems
- I. I. Bystrov
- B. V. Tarasov
- A. A. Khoroshilov
- S. I. Radomanov
Abstract: The application of ontologies and computational linguistics in automated information systems (AIS) is considered. Part 1 describes the methodological basis of complex application of ontologies and computational linguistics in the design of advanced AIS. The description of ontological processes and processes of computational linguistics is provided.
Keywords: semantics; ontology; computational linguistics; subject area; declarative and procedural knowledge; automated information system; linguistic information support; logical-semantic modeling; conceptualization
- V. V. Borodin
- E. A. Rastrelin
Abstract: The paper considers the model of reliability of a spatially distributed corporative network with implementation of the batch redundancy of typical elements. The necessity of time factor, concerning the delivery of spare equipment, should be considered during the reliability modeling and, also, as a stockpiles management system, providing data collection about current condition and reliability of the network elements, operational stock management, and forming of the requests for spare parts from the central storage facility.
Keywords: network reliability; corporate computer network; wide area network; network elements; unification; reliability model; availability rate; restoration time; storage control
- Yu. V. Kosolapov
- A. V. Pozdnyakov
Abstract: This paper considers the model of distributed data storage across multiple storages in an environment where each of the owners of storage facilities can be unfair. To protect data from unauthorized access, the method of code noising is used with a subsequent distribution of code words parts to the corresponding storages. Generally, this method is examined, provided that the protected data are random and uniform. Often, in applied problems, protected data do not satisfy this condition. This paper solves the problem of development of experimental techniques to estimate the resistance of code noising in a case where data are the photographic images of faces and the observer has limited abilities for analysis of data available to him. Experimental results are presented for the factor codes that are based on binary Reed-Muller codes of length 64.
Keywords: code noising; resistance; distributed storage
Abstract: The paper describes the history of formation, present state, and prospects of development of Social Informatics as a current trend in science and education. The paper shows distinctive features of the Russian scientific school of Social Informatics and its priority in formation and development of this direction.
The paper defines perspective directions of research in the conditions of formation of the Global Information Society. The paper explains the necessity of a broader consideration of Social Informatics in education and research training.
Keywords: informatics; information; information resources; information society; information security; social informatics
Abstract: The article describes the role of symbol modeling of arbitrary objects in forming and development of intellectual faculties. The point of view on the problem of building intelligent robots is presented. The approach to building the human-machine environment of supporting intellectual activity is suggested.
Keywords: symbol modeling; intelligence; artificial intelligence; intelligent robots
- G. V. Lukyanov
- D. A. Nikishin
- G. F. Verevkin
- V. V. Kosarik
Abstract: The article deals with the normalization of indices of the national security of the Russian Federation in the interest of creating an automated system of monitoring and evaluation of this complex activity. It is shown that the normalization of indicators, including their classification, harmonization of units and scales of measurement, and conversion to unified formats of data provides cognitive interoperability and serves as a asis for adequate, objective, and reliable generalized assessment of the national security of the Russian Federation. The article also describes the features of relative indices and options of their creation. It is demonstrated that the use of relative measures avoids distortion in the development of a common statistical pattern and calculating a generalized evaluation. The article describes a new approach to the formalization of qualitative indicators that allows objective analysis and applications in the automated information system.
Keywords: national security; normalization; information monitoring; indicator evaluation; information systems; units and scales of measurement; relative indices