
«Systems and Means of Informatics» Scientific journal Volume 21, Issue 2, 2011
Content | Abstract
About Authors
- Denisov Sergej A. (р. 1985) - programmer I, Institute of Informatics Problems,
Russian Academy of Science
- Dulin Sergey K. (р. 1950) - Doctor of Science in technology, professor, principal
scientist, Research & Design Institute for Information Technology, Signalling and
Telecommunications on Railway Transport (JSC NIIAS); senior scientist, Institute
of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Ionenkov Jurij S. (р. 1956) - senior scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems,
Russian Academy of Sciences
- Garanin Alexander I. (р. 1951) - Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology,
senior scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Grusho Nikolai A. (р. 1982) - Candidate of Science (PhD) in physics and
mathematics, senior scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy
of Sciences
- Gurevich Igor M. (р. 1945) - Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, senior
scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences; Chief
Systems Designer, LLC "HETNET Consulting"
- Khohlov Vyacheslav E. (р. 1955) - Head of Laboratory, Institute of Informatics
Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Kondrashev Vadim A. (р. 1963) - senior scientist, Institute of Informatics
Problems, Russian Academy of Science
- Kozhunova Olga S. (р. 1982) - Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, Head
of the Laboratory, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Kozlov Sergey V. (р. 1955) - Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, Head of
Deparment, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Kuznetsov Igor P. (р. 1938) - Doctor of Science in technology, professor, principal
scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Levykin Michael V. (р. 1985) - Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, senior
scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Lukyanov Gennady V. (р. 1952) - Candidate ofMilitary Science (Phd), associate
professor; Head of Laboratory, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy
of Sciences
- Markova Natalia A. (р. 1950) - Candidate of Science (PhD) in physics and
mathematics, leading scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy
of Sciences
- Matskevich Andrey G. (р. 1953) - senior scientist, Institute of Informatics
Problems, Russian Academy of Science
- Nikishin Dmitry A. (р. 1976) - Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology, senior
scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Nikolaev Vladimir G. (р. 1948) - Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology,
senior scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Science
- Rozenberg Igor N. (р. 1965) - Doctor of Science in technology, First Deputy Di-
rector General, Research & Design Institute for Information Technology, Signalling
and Telecommunications on Railway Transport (JSC NIIAS)
- Shabanov Alexander P. (р. 1949) - Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology,
principal expert, IBS Expertiza Company
- Solovyeva Natalya S. (р. 1947) - Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology,
senior scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Science
- Somin Nicolay V. (р. 1947) - Candidate of Science (PhD) in physics and
mathematics, leading scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy
of Science
- Tatarintsev Roman V. (р. 1981) - leading engineer, Institute of Informatics
Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Umansky Vladimir I. (р. 1954) - Candidate of Science (PhD) in technology,
Director General, Close corporation \IntexGeoTrans"
- Zakharov Victor N. (р. 1948) - Doctor of Science (PhD) in technology, associate
professor; Scientific Secretary, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy
of Science
- Zatsarinny Alexander A. (р. 1951) - Doctor of Science in technology, professor,
Deputy Director, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
