
Оглавление | Аннотации на русском языке
Methods of hardware selection for building telecommunication networks
- Alexander Zatsarinnyi, Yuri Ionenkov
The authors present their vision of solving a problem of hardware selection for building telecommunication networks. The main aspects of hardware selection as well a set of parameters and a selection method are presented. A specific example of estimations based on the given method is provided.
Middleware tasks realization in the departmental distributed information system
- Gennady Ilushin, Valery Limansky
Practical realization methods of some middleware tasks of departmental distributed information system are considered. In particular, these are the methods of queries' relevant information resources identification, as well as query transformation methods expressed in canonical model terms into queries expressed in inherited information resources models terms.
The article describes database structures of metadata storage and rules for query templates constructing.
Building a departmental heterogeneous virtual private network
- Alexander Volod'kin, Gennady Ilushin
Virtual private networks' building by using both own (private) and rented (open) channels for heterogeneous computer complexes' cooperation is typical while creating large departmental systems. The problem exacerbated by the necessity of retaining former investments in equipment and software, which do not support up-to-date network protocols and architectures.
This article attempts to systematize the problems that arise while building such networks and analyze the methods of their solution.
Specifics of task scheduling during virtual machines operation
- Valery Egorov
The article explores techniques of processors construction in virtual machines configurations and describes problems of task scheduling in a context of PC platform virtualization. The separate issue considers functioning of virtual machines in multiprocessor systems.
Virtual device development technologies
- Valery Egorov, Igor Karpov, Eugeny Matveev
The article considers the methods of virtual device development, analyzes virtual device functioning and formation of a list of operations for virtual device interface.
Hierarchical state transition charts in synthesis of telecommunication state machines
- Timofey Bondarenko, Olga Bondarenko, Konstantin Volovich, Sergey Denisov, Vadim Kondrashev
This article describes a new approach to computation management for state machines. The proposed approach intended to simplify implementation of loosely specified algorithms of telecommunication state machines. It implies creation of hierarchical state-transition charts (STC) destined to resolve implicit states and transitions. The second target is strict serialization of computing on all levels of hierarchy built. Based on described approaches the authors create a language for specification of hierarchical STC which would allow to unambiguously implement state machines for various purposes.
Implementation of clustering methods for studying geodata arrays
- Sergey Dulin, Igor Rozenberg, Vladimir Umanskiy
Unprecedented big size and high dimension of existing sets of geodata make it difficult to reveal complex images. Clustering - one of the most important techniques for detection of geographical knowledge. However, existing methods for clustering have two serious lacks. First, valid methods for multiple parameter clustering have the limited capacity in recognition of spatial images. Secondly, available methods for clustering are not adapted absolutely for man-machine interaction.
In work the approaches improving a clustering process for effective research of greate and multivariate geographical data are analyzed. Special attention is given to the approach based on formation of hierarchical spatial clustering structures for detection of combined spatial images by using computing clustering methods.
The algebraic approach to optimization of development and operation of data base management systems
- Evgeny Emelchenkov, Nison Levin, Victor Munerman
Automation of programming the tasks of processing big information volumes in databases is considered in the present article. The object-oriented approach is offered for solving a task of automation. It is based on a strict mathematical definition of an object as a universal algebraic system. Set-theoretical and multidimensional matrices models of data processing were constructed. A special type of objects - the universal algebraic machine is offered. Isomorphism of models and the possibility of their parallel realization are proved on the basis of such objects.
Up-to-date techniques for testing Web applications
- Boris Shmeilin
In recent years testing of Web applications is based on the method that utilizes information of user sessions. It allows reducing essentially manual work share while test generation. The article reviews the efficiency of the method in question. During its realization the conceptual analysis has been used for reducing the number of tests.
Process management as a basis for creating service management systems
- Alexander Kurts
The article describes the principles of creating service and control systems of IT infrastructures by using process management. An example of Incident Management is provided for describing the process. It is clear that Process Management ensures high quality implementation of these systems.
A model of facet information retrieval within the collection of scientific materials
- Olga Obukhova, Tatiana Biryukova, Ivan Soloviev, Maxim Gershkovich, Anton Chochia
The authors describe the model of information retrieval within the collection of scientific materials utilizing the technology of adaptive facet navigation. A registered user creates the structured formal annotation for informational object while entering it into the database. Subsequently a special program converts the structured formal annotation into the object's facet formula. Generation of search request is conducted as a sequence of iterations, where search request is adjusted in dialogue mode by using both direct and associative links between informational objects. A formal model is used to develop realization model, where visual interface shows content of the collection of scientific materials and serves as suitable tool for generation of search requests.
Technology of unified access to queue system analysis programs through the Web
- Anton Chochia, Olga Obukhova
The approach suggested in this article provides interoperability of uniform program system of queue system analysis with open access through the Internet. For supporting process interoperability the authors suggest to use Web services as the front end to queue system software. The approach does not set any conditions concerning operating systems and programming languages to be used for creating the analysis programs. The technology of Web services allows easily and without special expenses to post their interfaces on the Internet where they become accessible to end users. For supporting semantic interoperability it is suggested to use a "program factory" which will provide unified access to heterogeneous queue system analysis software. For implementing a "program factory" it is suggested to use Microsoft .NET Framework providing powerful and flexible code-execution environment.
Optimization of problem solving process in the computer centre
- Igor Gurevich
Formation and operation of adaptive computer centre requires development of a system of models for linking the characteristics of problem solving process with the characteristics of computer centre as such and its components. The article proposes a model of time minimization to solve problems by the users by means of determining the optimal throughput of input/output channels and optimal performance of computer equipment for each problem. The model was created for transactional class of problems (application systems, applications). Implementation of adaptive computer centre allows reducing the number of servers required for running the applications, increase reliability and robustness of applications under failure / malfunction situations (disasters) and during scheduled shutdowns of computer equipment.
Categorization of results and indicators of R&D programs in evaluation systems
- Igor Zatsman
The basic categories of results that are the objects of information monitoring during implementation of R&D programs are considered. The suggested description of the basic categories of results and other objects of monitoring is taken to be a foundation necessary for evaluation systems design. These systems are intended for the decision making via multidimensional quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the objects under monitoring at the stages of planning and implementation of R&D programs, and also after their finalization.
Statistical monitoring of information technologies development in Russia
- Marina Arkhipova
The article is focused on the analysis of the main tendencies of telecommunications market development in Russia. The authors examine the structure, sociodemographic characteristics and other features of the Internet audience.
The research has been carried out using the econometric tools. The authors analyze the investment attractiveness of the leading Russian companies and present a parametric structural model of financial activity of telecommunication companies based on the splitting of mixture of probability distributions.
The main tendencies of patent activity in Russia and the industrially advanced countries
- Marina Arkhipova, Svetlana Gutman
The article analyses the intellectual property markets in Russia and industrially advanced countries of the world. The authors outline the principal patent tendencies and strategies. In this context special emphasis was put on nanoscience and nanotechnology.
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