Systems and Means of Informatics

2024, Volume 34, Issue 4, pp 85-96


  • V. D. Ilyin


The article presents a new version of the theory of S-symbols (with additions and clarifications). The theory of S-symbols studies the construction of interconnected systems of S-(symbols, codes and signals) to create formalized languages (including specification and programming languages); the symbolic modeling of arbitrary objects (S-modeling), including systems of concepts and knowledge; the construction of a symbolic-code-signal environment (S-environment); and the construction of S-objects based on knowledge systems (including software systems and information resources). The S-environment serves as an infrastructural basis for solving the problems of research, engineering, and other activities using programmable machines (S-machines). The theory of S-symbols is considered as a part of the methodological arsenal for the development of formalized languages, knowledge systems, etc. performed in the S-environment. The new version of the theory adds a section on form-oriented languages with semantic markup (S-languages) and provides a definition of the knowledge system about an arbitrary S-object. The examples of applications in the automation of programming, digitalization of the public administration system, and the economic mechanism are given.

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