Systems and Means of Informatics
2021, Volume 31, Issue 1, pp 37-56
For nonlinear integrodifferential stochastic systems (IDStS) with unsolved derivatives reducible to differential stochastic systems (StS) by means of singular kernels, the following methods and algorithms are proposed: analytical modeling of normal (Gaussian) stochastic processes and analytical synthesis of normal suboptimal filters for information processing in IDStS. Both Gaussian and non-Gaussian StS white noises are considered. Quality estimation methods based on the sensitivity theory are suggested. An example with discontinuous nonlinearity is considered in details. Directions for future investigations are given.
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[+] About this article
Systems and Means of Informatics
Volume 31, Issue 1, pp 37-56
Cover Date
Print ISSN
Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
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Key words
integrodifferential stochastic system (IDStS); method of analytical modeling (MAM); method of normal approximation (MNA); method of statistical linearization (MSL); normal suboptimal filter (NSOF); stochastic system (StS); stochastic systems with unsolved derivatives
I. N. Sinitsyn
Author Affiliations
 Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center "Computer Science
and Control", Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation