Systems and Means of Informatics

2020, Volume 30, Issue 2, pp 187-194


  • A. V. Ilyin
  • V. D. Ilyin


The review presents the basics of methodological support for technologies of commodity-money circulation in the digital environment (CMC- technologies) implemented by means of personal e-banks (PEBs) owned by individuals and corporate e-banks (CEBs) owned by legal entities. Personal and corporate e-banks are the specialized artificial intelligence systems implemented on the basis of portable computer devices (smartphones, tablets) and stationary computers. The applied meaning of each CMC-technology is defined by a system of rules that direct and control actions of the parties to the contract on commodity-money circulation in the digital environment (CMC-agreement).
The rules implemented in ÑMÑ-technologies are based on the assumption that the owners of PEBs and ÑEBs are granted the right to credit by law, the implementation of which is controlled by the bank-regulator. The CMC-technologies allow the lenders to use only their own funds. The rules for execution of each CMC-agreement are controlled by software interacting with the digital twins that track events defined in the agreement. The CMC-technologies are aimed at improving the economic security of deals and reducing the influence of factors causing a decrease in the commodity capacity of money.

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