Systems and Means of Informatics

2020, Volume 30, Issue 2, pp 103-112


  • V. B. Egorov


A next stage in the data centers perfection process develops as software- defined data centers (SDDC). First publications on the SDDC show increasing interest to this topic revealing at the same time considerable discrepancies in estimations of the subject and difficulties with understanding the essence of the matter. To turn a data center into an SDDC, availability of both the software- defined networking and the software-defined storage is insufficient. It is also conceptually needed that the data center control would be definitely centralized and automated by means of special software (a so-called "orchestrator") on the policy-driven basis. Aspiration for expenditures reduction and troubles abatement would impel data center owners to move toward the SDDC. At present, however, real SDDC examples are demonstrated only by few big internet companies possessing the up-to-date infrastructure and resources to create an adequate orchestrator, since no universal commercial orchestration products are available on the market. Nevertheless, other organizations may possibly choose a compromise palliative solution of partially software-defined or "double-speed" data centers.

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