Systems and Means of Informatics

2018, Volume 28, Issue 3, pp 189-203


  • V. A. Minin
  • I. M. Zatsman
  • V. A. Havanskov
  • S. K. Shubnikov


The outcomes of the experiment on calculating the values of the intensity indicators of science-technology linkages are presented. The experiment was carried out using an eleven-year array of full-text descriptions of inventions.
The indicator evaluation of the process of knowledge transfer to the sphere of technology is an important element in the study of the linkages between science and technology, characterizing the processes of creating scientific foundations for developing advanced technologies. In the course of research conducted at the Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a model, a methodology, and a testbed of an information system have been created for calculation of the values of the intensity indicators of science-technology linkages.
The main aim of this experiment is to compare the meanings of indicators of two types that characterize different aspects of the intensity of knowledge transfer to the sphere of technology. Comparison of the calculated values of these indicators is made and their meanings are specified.

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