Systems and Means of Informatics
2015, Volume 25, Issue 2, pp 123-139
- A. V. Bosov
- E. S. Gress
- A. V. Naumov
The article deals with the automation of the analysis of the quality
of education in universities. An original algorithm for counting students rating
is proposed. Statistical analysis of the sessional rating (marks obtained) and
results of the students ranking analysis on the basis of actual data processing
are presented. The ways to use the assigned rating, in particular, to encourage
(deductions) students and quality control measures are suggested.
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[+] About this article
Systems and Means of Informatics
Volume 25, Issue 2, pp 123-139
Cover Date
Print ISSN
Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
Additional Links
Key words
rating system; quality of education; academic performance of students; statistical criteria; information system
A. V. Bosov  , E. S. Gress  , and A. V. Naumov
Author Affiliations
 Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center "Computer Science
and Control," Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation
 Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), MAI, 4 Volokolamskoe
Shosse, Moscow 125993, A-80, GSP-3, Russian Federation