Systems and Means of Informatics
2014, Volume 24, Issue 4, pp 168-185
The article considers the situation in the key sector of education informatization (i. e., the field of education software development), determines the range of problems faced by the main sector, and suggests an appropriate approach to solving the most serious problem by using Internet services. A computer program is an element that turns a universal device of information and
communication technologies into an education tool. The quality of training process depends on the quality of programs and, consequently, is defined by the state of affairs in the field of software development. Meanwhile, this sector of education informatization is studied poorly. A quick analysis of the discourse elements of participants in the education informatization process demonstrates that the external picture does not correspond to the real relations within the sector. An astute analysis leads to the conclusion that from the very beginning of informatization, the industry has kept largely on the initiative of individuals and small teams of enthusiasts. Under the conditions of chronic underfunding, the energy of enthusiasm has become a major resource for development. The active inclusion of teachers into the process of school informatization has created a distorted picture of teacher's place in the industry of software development.
The function of development engineer has been placed on teachers. But their activities should only supplement the work of programmers. Therefore, the cooperative system of development for engineers' and teachers' labour based on the coevolutionary model (i.e., the interrelated software development and its application in the specific pedagogical technologies) can help allocate duties right in the process of education software development. For teachers, this system can provide advisory data. For development engineers, the system can become a means of a further research in the subject area and can become a support tool of the stages of education software development life cycle that primarily suffer from underfunding. The system is implemented on the basis of Internet services.
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[+] About this article
Systems and Means of Informatics
Volume 24, Issue 4, pp 168-185
Cover Date
Print ISSN
Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
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Key words
informatization of education; software development; educational software; coevolution; collective intelligence
V. V. Vikhrev
Author Affiliations
 Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation