Informatics and Applications
2024, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp 77-85
The paper considers the neural ensemble neural network architecture that uses a quadtree model for SAR
(Synthetic Aperture Radar) image segmentation under the lack of training data. The Neural Quadtree network
(NQN) consists of segmentation network forming the image pixels features and a graph convolution network with
the special branch pruning block establishing the spatial and hierarchical connections between pixels. The NQN is
used for segmenting of several SAR images that differ a lot both in presented surfaces and characteristics (Sentinel-1,
ESAR (Experimental SAR), HRSID (High-Resolution SAR Images Dataset)). A comparison was made of the
results of processing images of NQN and a conventional quad-tree using a common U-Net network segmentor.
The NQN demonstrates the higher quality in target detection in comparison with a conventional quadtree. The
difference in Recall values for such objects classes between NQN and quadtree ranges from 2.13% to 11.63%.
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[+] About this article
Informatics and Applications
2024, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp 77-85
Cover Date
Print ISSN
Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
Additional Links
Key words
quadtree; graph convolution network; SAR images; target detection
A. M. Dostovalova
Author Affiliations
 Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation