Informatics and Applications
2022, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp 2-7
- I. A. Sokolov
- Yu. A. Stepchenkov
- Yu. G. Diachenko
- Yu. V. Rogdestvenski
Self-timed (ST) circuitry is an alternative to synchronous circuits. Self-timed circuits have a number of advantages over their synchronous counterparts due to their redundant complexity. The article investigates the immunity of self-timed and synchronous circuits to single short-term soft error taking into account the hardware redundancy of ST circuits. Self-timed circuits, due to their indication subcircuit, are able to detect a soft error which occurs as a logical cell's output state inversion and suspend the operation of the circuit until the soft error disappears. Thus, ST circuits mask a single soft error and prevent distortion of the data processing result. The use of a modified hysteretic trigger, which prevents sticking in the antispacer, to implement a pipeline stage register bit masks almost all soft errors in the pipeline stage's combinational part. The DICE-like implementation of this trigger makes it possible to reduce the sensitivity of the ST register to the internal soft errors by a factor of 4. Quantitative estimates of failure tolerance show a clear (by 2.5-9.4 times) advantage of the ST pipeline in comparison with the synchronous counterpart.
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[+] About this article
Informatics and Applications
2022, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp 2-7
Cover Date
Print ISSN
Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
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Key words
self-timed circuit; soft error; failure tolerance; pipeline; indication; probabilistic estimate
I. A. Sokolov  , Yu. A. Stepchenkov  , Yu. G. Diachenko  , and Yu. V. Rogdestvenski
Author Affiliations
 Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation