Informatics and Applications

2018, Volume 12, Issue 3, pp 74-82


  • I. M. Zatsman


The theoretical foundations of the development of information technologies that provide the goal- oriented creation of new linguistic typologies are described. They are formed in the process of contrastive analysis of parallel aligned texts, which are sources of new knowledge of the language. In parallel texts, there are the implications of subjective knowledge of translators that are not represented in the system of modern knowledge of language. Their explication is possible with the help of information technologies, which allow processing parallel texts and goal-oriented extraction of the implied knowledge. The aim of the paper is to describe a new approach to the development of technologies that provide purposefulness and compare it with existing approaches and models.
The conditions under which the growth of objective knowledge (in terms of K. R. Popper) can be technologically ensured are formulated. The proposed approach is illustrated by the example of the task of forming a typology of Russian language constructions with a modal value that arise in the translation of German modal constructions.

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