Informatics and Applications
2014, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp 110-124
- L. Kalinichenko
- S. Stupnikov
- A. Vovchenko
- D. Kovalev
This paper contributes to the techniques for conceptual representation of data analysis algorithms and data integration facilities as well as processes to specify data and behavior semantics in one paradigm. An investigation of a novel approach for applying a combination of semantically different platform-independent rule-based languages (dialects) for interoperable conceptual specifications over various rule-based systems (RSs) relying on the rule-based program transformation technique recommended by the W3C Rule Interchange Format (RIF) is extended here. Such approach is combined with the facilities aimed at the semantic rule-based mediation intended for the heterogeneous data base integration. This paper extends a previous research of the authors in the direction of workflow modeling for definition of compositions of algorithmic modules in a process structure. A capability of the multidialect workflow support specifying the tasks in semantically different languages mostly suited to the task orientation is presented. A practical workflow use case, the interoperating tasks of which are specified in several rule-based languages (RIF-CASPD, RIF-BLD, RIF-PRD), is introduced. In addition, OWL 2 is used for the conceptual schema definition, RIF-PRD is used also for the workflow orchestration. The use case implementation infrastructure includes a production rule-based system (IBM ILOG), a logic rule-based system (DLV), and a mediation system.
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[+] About this article
Informatics and Applications
2014, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp 110-124
Cover Date
Print ISSN
Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
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Key words
conceptual specification; workflow; RIF; production rule languages; database integration; mediators; PRD; multidialect infrastructure
L. A. Kalinichenko  ,  ,
S. Stupnikov  , A. Vovchenko  ,
and D. Yu. Kovalev
Author Affiliations
 Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation
 Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1-52 Lenin-skiye Gory, GSP-1, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation