Informatics and Applications
2014, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp 85-93
- A.A. Zatsarinnyy
- K.G. Ñhuprakov
The paper presents an approach to determining dependences between such parameters of a situational hall as measurements of the hall, quantity of people working with the screen, information capacity of the content (the quantity of symbols), and screen width. These dependences make it possible to calculate an unknown parameter of a situational hall using known parameters satisfying requirements of the Russian and International ergonomic standards. The presented formulas are applicable to the case of curved screens by using the angle of curvature â (for a flat screen, â = 0). This parameter maybe interpreted as an angle between displays in a polyscreen or a videowall.
This parameter makes it possible to evaluate the efficiency of curved screens as a collective screen compared to the flat screens. The paper also suggests an approach to estimating the quantity of workplaces that may be used for their different interpositions.
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[+] About this article
Informatics and Applications
2014, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp 85-93
Cover Date
Print ISSN
Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
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Key words
collective curved screen; situational hall; dispatch room; ergonomic dependences; comfort observation area; curve angle; videowall, polyscreen; efficiency; price justification
A.A. Zatsarinnyy  and K.G. Ñhuprakov
Author Affiliations
 Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation