Informatics and Applications2014, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp 39-44ANALYSIS OF A QUEUEING SYSTEM WITH AUTOREGRESSIVE ARRIVALS
AbstractThe paper studies a single server queueing system with infinite capacity and with the Poisson batch arrival process. A feature of the system under study is autoregressive dependence of the arriving batch sizes: the size of the nth batch is equal to the size of the (n - 1)st batch with a fixed probability and is an independent random variable with complementary probability. Service times are supposed to be independent random variables with a specified distribution. The main object of the study is the queue length at an arbitrary moment. The relations derived make it possible to find Laplace transorm in time of the probability generating function of the transient queue length, and also a number of additional characteristics such as the residual service time and the distribution of the size of the last batch that arrived before time t.[+] References (4)
[+] About this articleTitleANALYSIS OF A QUEUEING SYSTEM WITH AUTOREGRESSIVE ARRIVALSJournalInformatics and Applications2014, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp 39-44 Cover Date2014-03-31DOI10.14357/19922264140305Print ISSN1992-2264PublisherInstitute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of SciencesAdditional LinksKey wordsqueueing theory; transient behavior; batch arrivalsAuthorsN. D. Leontyev![]() ![]() ![]() Author Affiliations![]() ![]() |