Informatics and Applications
2014, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp 106-117
- A.I. Zeifman
- V.Yu. Korolev
- A.V. Korotysheva
- S.Ya. Shorgin
A general approach for obtaining perturbation bounds of nonstationary continuous-time Markov chains
is considered. The suggested approach deals with a special weighted norms related to total variation. The method
is based on the notion of a logarithmic norm of a linear operator function and respective bounds for the Cauchy
operator of a differential equation. Special transformations of the reduced intensity matrix of the process are
applied. The statements are proved which provide estimates of perturbation of probability characteristics for the case
of absence of ergodicity in uniform operator topology. Birth–death–catastrophe queueing models and queueing
systems with batch arrivals and group services are also considered in the paper. Some classes of such systems are
studied, and bounds of perturbations are obtained. Particularly, such bounds are given for the Mt/Mt/S queueing
system with possible catastrophes and a simplemodel of a queueing system with batch arrivals and group services is
analyzed. Moreover, approximations of limiting characteristics are considered for the queueing model.
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[+] About this article
Informatics and Applications
2014, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp 106-117
Cover Date
Print ISSN
Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
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Key words
nonstationary continuous-time chains andmodels; nonstationary Markov chains; perturbation bounds;
special norms; queueing models
A. I. Zeifman  ,  , V.Yu. Korolev  ,  , A.V. Korotysheva  , and S. Ya. Shorgin
Author Affiliations
 Vologda State University, 15 Lenin Str., Vologda 160000, Russian Federation
 Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2 Vavilov Str.,Moscow 119333, Russian Federation
 Department of Mathematical Statistics, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics,
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1-52 Leninskiye Gory, GSP-1,Moscow 119991, Russian Federation