Informatics and Applications
December 2013, Volume 7, Issue 4, pp 112-139
- L. Kalinichenko
- S. Stupnikov
- A. Vovchenko
- D. Kovalev
Various notations aimed at defining the semantics of a computation in terms of the application domains
have been experienced for conceptual modeling. For example, entity-relationship (ER) approach and UML
(Unified Modeling Language) diagrams allow one to specify the semantics informally. Ontology languages based
on description logic (DL) have been developed to formalize the semantics of data. However, it is now generally
acknowledged that data semantics alone are insufficient and still representation of data analysis algorithms is
necessary to specify data and behavior semantics in one paradigm. Moreover, the curse of ever increasing diversity
of multistructured data models gave rise to a need for their unified, integrated abstraction to make specifications
independent of real data in data intensive domains (DID). To overcome these disadvantages, a novel approach for
applying a combination of the semantically different declarative rule-based languages (dialects) for interoperable
conceptual specifications over various rule-based systems (RSs) relying on the logic program transformation
technique recommended by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Rule Interchange Format (RIF) has been
investigated. Such approach is coherently combined with the specification facilities aimed at the semantic
rule-based mediation intended for the heterogeneous data base integration. The infrastructure implementing the
multidialect conceptual specifications by the interoperable RSs and mediating systems (MSs) is introduced. The
proof-of-concept prototype of the infrastructure based on the SYNTHESIS MS and RIF standard is presented.
The approach for multidialect conceptualization of a problem domain, rule delegation, rule-based programs and
mediators interoperability is explained in detail and illustrated on a real nondeterministic polynomial time (NP)
complete use-case in the finance domain. The research results are promising for the usability of the approach
and of the infrastructure for conceptual, declarative, resource independent and reusable data analysis in various
application domains.
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[+] About this article
Informatics and Applications
December 2013, Volume 7, Issue 4, pp 112-139
Cover Date
Print ISSN
Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
Additional Links
Key words
conceptual specification; W3CRIF; logic rule languages; SYNTHESIS; database integration; mediators;
RIF-BLD; RIF-CASPD; multidialect infrastructure; rule delegation
L. Kalinichenko  , S. Stupnikov  , A. Vovchenko  , and D. Kovalev
Author Affiliations
 Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia