Informatics and Applications scientific journal
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2009
Abstract and Keywords
About Authors
- Agalarov Yaver M. (b. 1952) — Candidate of Technical
Sciences (PhD); leading scientist, Institute of Informatics
Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Egorov Vladimir B. (b. 1948) — Candidate of Technical
Sciences (PhD), leading scientist, Institute of Informatics
Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Frenkel Sergey L. (b. 1951) — Candidate of Technical
Sciences (PhD); senior scientist, Institute of Informatics
Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences; associate
professor, Moscow Institute of Radio, Electronics, and
Automation, Faculty of Computer Systems
- Gorkavyi Ilia N. (b. 1982) — postgraduate student, Department
of Automation of Computational Systems,
Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics,
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Kozmidiady Vladimir A. (b. 1936) — Doctor of Science in
Technology; proncipal scientist, Institute of Informatics
Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Pechinkin Alexander V. (b. 1946)—Doctor of Science in
physics and mathematics; principal scientist, Institute
of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences;
professor, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
- Sukhomlin Vladimir A. (b. 1945) — Doctor of Science
in Technology; Department of Automation of Computational
Systems, Faculty of ComputationalMathematics
and Cybernetics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State
University; leading scientist, Institute of Informatics
Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Ushmaev Oleg S. (b. 1981) — Candidate of Technical
Sciences (PhD), leading scientist, Institute of Informatics
Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Zatsman Igor M. (b. 1952) — Candidate of Technical
Sciences (PhD); department head, Institute of Informatics
Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences