
XXXI International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models
First Information Letter
XXXI International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models will be on 23-27 April, 2013 in Moscow, Russia, under the auspices of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute for Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Seminars on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models have a long tradition. They were started by Prof. Vladimir Zolotarev in the 1970's. The seminars were attended by leading probabilists from all over the world. The Seminars traditionally aim at bringing together people from Eastern and Western parts of Europe to share their expertise, new results,
exchange the ideas and discuss open problems. In this century Seminars took place in Hungary, Bulgaria, Spain, Latvia, Italy, Israel, Romania and Poland.
The previous XXIX and XXX seminars were held in 2011 and 2012 in Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad region, Russia.
Information concerning the previous XXX seminar including abstracts of communications are available at http://www.ipiran.ru/conference/stabil2012/, the photos are posted at Photos -2012.
The next, XXXI, seminar will be held in Moscow, the capital of Russian Federation, in Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Important dates:
Abstract Submission
The abstract should be typeset in TeX/LaTeX format using our template. Manuscripts are expected not to exceed 1-2 pages.
Both .tex and .pdf files of the abstract should be sent to isspsm@gmail.com .
Organization Fee:
We have the pleasure to inform you that the registration fee was reduced to 4000 RUR (100 EUR) and to
1600 RUR (40 EUR) for PhD students.
Unfortunately, for technical reasons we will not be able to receive
payments in cash. The account No the fee should be transferred to will be send to the participants upon the
receipt of their abstracts.
The organization fee includes payments for conference parties and coffee breaks.
Payment details for transfers in EURO:
BANKNAME: Sberbank
(Head office - all branches and offices in Russia)
BENIFICIARY ACCOUNT: 40503978638110200323
BENIFICIARY: People's Friendship University of Russia
ADDRESS: Miklukho-Maklay Str. 6, 117198 Moscow, Russia
CORRESPONDENCE ACCOUNT: No. 10094987261000; Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main (SWIFT-DEUTDEFF)
It is necessarily to specify in payment purpose: participation in the XXXI International seminar "Stability Problems for Stochastic
code 7048-01.
Please do not forget to inform us about your payment by the letter to isspsm@gmail.com with attached receipt.
Платежные реквизиты для перечисления денежных средств в рублях РФ:
Юридический адрес: 117198, г. Москва, ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 6
ОКВЭД 80.30.1 ОКПО 02066463
ИНН 7728073720, КПП 772801001
Получатель: УФК по г. Москве (РУДН л/с 20736Х13430)
Счет: 40501810600002000079
Банк: Отделение No. 1 Московского ГТУ банка России, г. Москва 705
БИК 044583001
КБК 00000000000000000130
ОКАТО 45293578000
В назначении платежа обязательно указать: участие в XXXI Международном семинаре "Проблемы устойчивости стохастических моделей",
код 7048-01.
Проинформируйте нас, пожалуйста, о платеже письмом на email isspsm@gmail.com с прикрепленной копией квитанции.
Счет фактуру получит каждый участник после оплаты оргвзноса при предъявлении следующей информации:
- Официальное название организации
- Юридический адрес
International Program and Organizing Committee:
- Vladimir Zolotarev (Russia) - Honorary Chairman
- Victor Korolev (Russia) - Chairman
- Yuri Khokhlov (Russia) - Deputy Chairman
- Sergey Shorgin (Russia) - Deputy Chairman
- Irina Shevtsova (Russia) - General Secretary
- Sandor Baran (Hungary)
- Vladimir Bening (Russia)
- Jolanta Misiewicz (Poland)
- Edward Omey (Belgium)
- Gyula Pap (Hungary)
- Alexander Zeifman (Russia)
- Yulia Nefedova (Russia) - Secretary
- Rostislav Razumchik (Russia) - Secretary
Main topics of the Seminar:
- Limit theorems and stability problems
- Asymptotic theory of stochastic processes
- Stable distributions and processes
- Asymptotic statistics
- Risk theory
- Characterization of probability distributions
- Insurance and financial mathematics
- Applied statistics
- Queuing theory
International Workshop
"Applied Probability Theory and Theoretical Informatics"
will be held within the framework and under the aegis of the XXXI International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models.
The topics of this workshop:
- Stochastic models in economics
- Statistical methods in insurance and finance
- Modeling and simulation of economic and social processes
- Methods of optimal control in stochastic systems
- Financial Theory and Practice
- Modeling of Rare Events, Extremes and Dependence
- Risk and Stochastic Control
The Organizing Committee of the workshop:
- Yuri Khokhlov (Russia) - Chairman
- Vladimir Rykov (Russia)
- Tatyana Milovanova (Russia)
- Ivan Zaryadov (Russia)
- Rostislav Razumchik (Russia) - Secretary
VII International Workshop
"Applied Problems in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics related to modeling information systems" (APTP + MS)
(Spring Session)
will be held within the framework and under the aegis of the XXXI International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models. Previous sessions of the Workshop "APPT + MS" were held in Italy, Spain, Russia, Switzerland.
The topics of this workshop:
- Modeling of information systems by methods of probability theory
- Modeling of information systems by methods of the theory of stochastic processes
- Applied queuing theory
- Discrete probabilistic models
- Statistical methods for the analysis of information systems
- Probabilistic models for information security
- Teletraffic theory
- Multiservice networks with elastic and streaming traffic
- Analytical models of P2P networks
The Organizing Committee of the workshop APPT + MS:
- I. Atencia (Spain) - Co-Chairman
- A. Grusho (Russia) - Co-Chairman
- K.Samouylov (Russia) - Co-Chairman
- S. Shorgin (Russia) - Co-Chairman
Abstracts of communications of the XXXI International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models and the satellite workshops will be published before the Seminar. Proceedings of XXXI International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models will be published in the "Journal of Mathematical Sciences" (Springer Science+Business Media, ISSN: 1072-3374) and in the "Informatics and Applications" (ISSN: 1992-2264).
